dJulkalendern is a computer science oriented Puzzle Hunt, put together annually in December by the tedious effort of an industrious, extremely handsome, smart, intelligent, and wise group of Ducks. It is a revered and distinguished tradition at Konglig Datasektionen, KTH, tracing its founding back to ancient Greece and the cradle of modern civilization. It is all about being smart, clever, and thinking outside of the box.
Every weekday at 12:15 CET a new window opens, which you should try to solve as quickly as possible. The solution is always a single English word, case insensitive, which you submit in the solution submission form below. Topics are varied and diverse, but always relate to computer science in one manner or another.
This window, Window -1, is a practice window of sorts. It does not count toward the final score. The solution is the 17th word in the fifth paragraph (sadly enough 1-indexed) Lore Page.
Remember to read the rules!