Dashing as quickly as you can, with a non aerodynamic dAnkan by your side, you make it into the debate studio, seemingly without dragging any conspicuous voting machines with you. Not taking any risks you also decide to lock the door behind you as soon as you get in.
“Well I think we can say , without a doubt, that XR0304B is behind all the weird stuff that has been happening during this election process. I mean, it’s the only other candidate standing now except for Santa.” you say while panting like you never have before.
“We…whew…have…whew…wow that was rough. We have to let Santa know all of this, it will for sure turn the election to our favour. All thanks to my detective skills!” dAnkan yells out.
“Ah yes, your detective skills. You don’t really have the best track record with the security here dAnkan, how do you suppose you’ll be able to get to Santa when the debate starts in just…2 minutes.” you say while looking at the Pluttis on the wall. “Wow, IKEA really is everywhere these days.”
dAnkan suddenly strikes a thinking pose, standing still like an iron golem. You can’t tell why, but in some way it reminds you of a past that you’re not sure is even real or not.
“Aha, perfect. Yes, that should work!” dAnkan exclaims while exiting the pose. “If I climb up this ladder I can use the platforms above to get to Santa. And…And then, to expose XR0304B I will just challenge them to solve a counting problem. Being the genius I am, I will solve it quicker and thereby expose XR0304B for the fraud it is!”
“Wait, and how exactly will jumping on platforms and solving a counting problem expose XR0304B?” you ask dAnkan, wondering if running made the eggnot inside dAnkan turn bad.
“Eh, don’t worry, dAnkan’s got this. Now help me up this ladder, we have no time to waste!” dAnkan yells while running towards the ladder.