Returning to Småstad, you hear the sound of angry quacking originating from the wardrobe. Moments after, dAnkan emerges with a handsfree-headset in one ear.
“I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Santa is still not available for comments!” yells dAnkan before dramatically punching their ear to hang up the call. “Geesh, these reporters, they hear buzz and fly towards it like there’s nothing tastier in the world. How’d the campaigning go?” asks dAnkan while turning towards you.
“Managed to convince some voters to give Santa another shot, which was good, but two reindeers did try to take a bite of me,” you answer while looking over the new bite mark in your coat.
“Only two? Lucky you! I usually get more after me nowadays. I mean how was I supposed to know that they don’t like you squeezing their nose hoping it turns bright red?” dAnkan says while removing the handsfree-headset.
You have followed dAnkan over to a Dyvlinge chair positioned graciously by a window overlooking the parking lot. While dAnkan takes a well deserved rest after an intense 5 minutes of answering phone calls, you try to enjoy the snowy view from the 18th floor of IKEA. Your view is however quickly sullied by a distant mob of sleds quickly approaching.
“Uh, dAnkan? There might be a storm coming.”
“Huh? Oh, qu*ck! I was so sure that the reporter was goose-shitting me when she said she was tracking my position. Well, given that they’ve let me live here the past…however long, I doubt the security here is that good. We should scramble!” says dAnkan before running over to the Småstad to get some important campaign documents.
You and dAnkan run down the IKEA stairs and get to the second floor before encountering the first reporter. After quickly looking around, dAnkan yells out in success.
“My Skogsduva-hives are still here! Those reporters will be simply incapable of resisting the buzz exuded from them. Let’s make sure those reporters don’t get us, who knows what answers they may force us to give them…!”